This designer handbag may be small in size, but its intricate detailing and high-quality finishes make it a big player in the luxury investment market – with buyers from all over the world joining waitlists and forking out well above the standard retail price for a preloved or brand new Mini Kelly ii on the grey market.
As one of the most popular Hermès bags that retains its value, both directly after purchase and years down the line, the Mini Kelly ii is a small version of the iconic Kelly handbag that has seen significant updating over the years. Because of this, there are both vintage and more modern versions available on the market today – though in this blog we are talking about a review of the new Hermès Mini Kelly II in the 2022 Chai colour palette.
Mini Kelly II vs. Kelly 25
The Hermès Mini Kelly II is the second smallest bag that Hermès manufactures and sells, while the Kelly 25 is a little larger at 25cm in width. In volume, this small size increase packs a much bigger punch with the Kelly 25 able to store many more possessions and items.
In terms of functionality, most agree that the Kelly 25 is more practical and can fit more in it – making it a great investment. And while the Mini Kelly II is cited as a great day-to-night bag which doubles as a clutch bag during evening dos and events, the Kelly 25 is much bigger and ideal as a day bag.
What material is the bag made from?
This model of the Mini Kelly II is made from Epsom or Chevre leather, which gives it the light finish that Hermès is looking for in such a small bag. In fact, Epsom leather is one of the lightest leathers that Hermès uses, making it durable but still supple and subject to scratching if not cared for efficiently.
Crucially for this bag, in particular, the Epsom and Chevre leathers allow the bag to retain its shape and hold the angular lines and straight edges of its very clean and concise structure. This, along with the durability of the leather, gives it that long-lasting investable finish. So, if you’re looking to sell a Hermès Mini Kelly II and want to understand how leather quality and material impact the potential sale value of your investment, highlighting its status as made from Epsom or Chevre leather is important for many buyers who want that longevity.
In addition to the leather itself, the Hermès Mini Kelly II is what is called a Sellier leather bag – whereby the stitching is visible on the outside, again retaining the structure and body of the bag.
What is the size of the Mini Kelly II?
Bag lovers, investors, and reviewers alike agree that the Mini Kelly II is not especially practical in terms of its size, as it’s so small that the interior can barely hold a phone and a set of keys. However, with Mini bags on the rise and considered a very on-trend statement in the fashion and luxury accessories market, the size of the Mini Kelly II doesn’t seem too important to buyers.
The size of the Mini Kelly II, from the bottom corner to corner, is 20cm. The smallest Hermès bag measures just 15cm across this width.
What can you fit in a Mini Kelly II?
Depending on the size of your must-have accessories and devices, the Mini Kelly II can fit a smaller smartphone, a set of keys, a purse, and a lipgloss/lip salve/alternative make-up product.
If your phone is larger, then you will need to experiment accordingly, with the Mini Kelly II unable to fit some of the largest smartphones. Despite this, typically this bag is just large enough to hold and keep safe your essential possessions.
What comes inside your Hermès box?
As you undo the ribbon and lift the lid on your bright orange Hermès box, the first thing that greets you is the layering of tissue paper – extending the excitement of the unboxing process and protecting the Mini Kelly II. Underneath the tissue paper, the bag and shoulder strap for added functionality are both contained in their own branded woven dust bag – finished with a brown rope to indicate the model and size of the bag, and perfect for keeping the bag safe when not in use.
Finally, you receive the Hermès receipt which proves the model is authentic, and the booklet for the bag.
The additional shoulder strap comes complete with metal clasps on each end to allow you to easily fasten the strap to the bag structure for a crossbody fit. Buyers should note that the strap that comes with the Hermès Mini Kelly II is designed specifically so that the bag sits just at hip level when clipped in – making it easy to access and keep safe on your person at all times.
How much does it cost?
To buy a Mini Kelly II brand new from the Hermès boutique, whether for your own use or as a luxury investment, is between £6,000 and £7,000 – depending on the hardware and leather that the bag is finished in. Hermès bags tend to increase in value as soon as they leave the Hermès boutique, meaning that even an immediate sale of your Mini Kelly II will result in a higher return for you as the seller.
Alternatively, you can invest in your own Hermès Mini Kelly II through the preloved market, with our recommendation being to visit our reputable and high-end preloved boutique, Love Luxury, to benefit from the expertise and high level of care exhibited by our team. Likewise, if you’re looking to sell a Hermès Mini Kelly II, visiting us in-store will give you the option of a same-day valuation and cash-in-hand experience.