All pieces in Love Luxury, including Chanel bags go through rigorous authenticity checks conducted by our stellar team that has a keen eye for detail. Since 2021, Chanel has implemented a microchip system in their bags, replacing the old serial stickers, which adds an extra layer of security to your purchase. We also provide third-party authentication certificates from reputable sources such as Entrupy and Bababebi. You’ll also receive dust bags and packaging — if available. We know how important it is to feel confident in your purchase, which is why we leave no leaf unturned to give you 100 % satisfaction.
Here at Love Luxury, we stock Chanel 19 bags frequently, especially since they’re one of the most sought-after by our audience. From different colours to textures and hardware, we have quite the collection! However, they do tend to be snapped up quite quickly. So, if you’re in the market for a Chanel 19, make sure you act fast or keep checking back with us!
Here at Love Luxury, our gently used, preloved Chanel pieces are priced between £3,500 to £5,000. Prices tend to vary depending on materials, styles and conditions. This is considerably lower than brand-new Chanel bags, so you can rest easy knowing you’re getting the best deal possible!
Given Chanel’s recent price increase, you can expect to dish out a whopping £5,590 to £6,660, depending on the size you’re looking for. Love Luxury has a vast collection of Chanel 19 bags priced between £3,500 to £5,000. That’s a price difference of roughly £1,800! Think of everything you could do with all that money!
When did they ever get out of style, to begin with? Despite being launched in March 2019, Chanel 19 bags are still very much in fashion! Not only do they look classy but they’re also incredibly spacious and make for great everyday bags.