When buyers think about Chanel handbags, their minds often jump straight to the classic Chanel Flap bag. Developed from the original 2.55 bag, designed by Coco Chanel herself as an innovative piece that prioritises both style and functional, everyday use, the Flap bag boasts both the iconic design and the history that makes it a bag people know, recognise, and remember.
So, where does the Chanel Boy bag fit in?
Well, it turns out that the Boy bag is just the next step in the story, as started by Coco Chanel and continued by Karl Lagerfeld. Released in 2011, the Boy bag was an advancement of the trend started by the Classic Flap bag – with designer Lagerfeld taking inspiration from Coco Chanel’s own life in developing this new and more modern twist on the classic.
In this article, we’re looking at the history of the Chanel Boy bag and its position on the investment market.
History of the Chanel Boy Bag
The Chanel Boy bag is characterised by its boxy shape and its straight-edged border, giving the bag more of an outer structure, despite the lack of integrated compartments and pockets when compared with the Classic Flap bag.
The Boy bag is said to have been inspired by Chanel’s nine-year love affair with polo player Arthur “Boy” Capel – after whom the bag is named. This love affair was believed to be a great influence in Coco Chanel’s own design flair and her ability to push boundaries with her creations, which is why Lagerfeld drew on the relationship in creating and naming the next chapter in the 2.55 Classic bag’s history.
In terms of its design and the underlying characteristics of the Boy bag, some of the main features include:
- The boxy shape and border around the edge of the bag
- The Boy push-lock clasp, designed to resemble the clasp found on men’s briefcases
- The shoulder handle, paying homage to Chanel’s own gift to the world of women’s accessories
How Popular Is the Chanel Boy Bag?
With all that in mind, how popular is the Chanel Boy bag in comparison to the Classic Flap bag?
There are countless variations on the Chanel Boy bag that have made their way onto the luxury market. And, while the Boy bag is typically a more affordable option when compared with the Classic Flap bag, some of the exclusive and limited-edition pieces are sold for high prices and enjoy high returns on the resale market.
When considering the popularity and resale value / potential of any Chanel handbag, there are a few things to bear in mind. One of the most important things is the prominence of the brand on the luxury market. Supply is so low, and demand is so high, that virtually every authentic Chanel bag that becomes available sells for a good price and has several buyers after the same piece. This is a hallmark of the luxury accessories market and is what continues to drive demand and value of bags old and new.
The Chanel Boy bag may be a modern creation, but its direct link to the 2.55 and the subsequent Classic Flap further bolsters its position on the market. Any bag that derives from the 2.55 original design, with its long shoulder strap and flap-style fastening, is considered a legacy piece and something that harks back to the innovation and creativity of Coco Chanel herself. And, when we consider market value and investment potential, these are factors that shouldn’t be overlooked.
Market Trends: Is a Chanel Bag a Good Investment?
The Chanel Boy bag has become a mainstay on the luxury market and is up there as one of the brand’s most successful collections. To look at the finances and the resale value of a genuine Boy bag, we can see that most Boy bags have increased in retail price by 4-5% over the last year.
With Chanel renowned for releasing limited supply across its stock range, virtually every bag that leaves the workshop is exclusive. This means that, once a bag has been sold at retail value, when that bag is then sold on to the secondary market, it becomes even more coveted because of the difficulty in picking up a brand-new model.
Buyers who want to take their pick of the different bags available will find that the resale market is the best place to browse different finishes, textures, colours, and sizes – with different bags selling for different amounts depending as much on supply and demand as on the quality of the materials and the bag.
To cut a long story short, if you want to invest in a tangible product that will hold its value and that may even increase in value the longer you hold it and exercise proper care and maintenance, an authentic Chanel bag is a great investment. Whether you have a vintage model or a newer piece, the beauty of a Chanel bag is that the connection with fashionista and trend setter Coco Chanel means every bag has a coveted and highly sought-after status on the market.
Is a Boy Bag a Good First Chanel to Buy?
If you’re considering your first luxury or Chanel purchase, there are several reasons why the Chanel Boy bag is a good option.
First and foremost, this bag boasts multiple variations in terms of colour and texture, meaning that buyers have a wide selection of pieces to choose from. Whether you’re looking for something classic and neutral, or something with a little more personality and design flair, the Boy bag combines its structure with different details and features.
What’s more, the Chanel Boy bag is marginally more affordable than other models, owing in part to its newer status on the market and the fact that it hasn’t yet become the classic that the Chanel Flap bag is.
With all of this in mind, the Chanel Boy bag is a great option for first-time luxury buyers – with Love Luxury London home to several individual models and ever-changing collections. Visit our boutique store to find your perfect bag.