The luxury goods industry can often feel like a bit of a minefield, particularly for first-time buyers who are unfamiliar with the sticking points around authentication, valuation, and how to spot the differences between an authentic designer piece and a fake.
Luxury handbags are among some of the most coveted accessories in the designer world, both for everyday buyers and investors, however, they are also among the most replicated, copied, and ripped off – with increasingly sophisticated fakes muddying the waters of the luxury industry on a near-daily basis.
That’s why, when it comes to buying a luxury handbag, finding a reputable and trustworthy business is key – with this article letting you in on the buyer process and what you can expect from our team at Love Luxury.
First up, where can you find us and how to start your search for your dream luxury handbag.
Visiting the Love Luxury team couldn’t be easier, with our boutique store located in the heart of Knightsbridge and appointments available Monday – Saturday.
As well as our London presence, we also manage an online store and comprehensive website and upload regular videos which introduce and review the latest and most exciting luxury handbags and other pieces to arrive in store. This allows us to keep our customers informed of new and incoming stock and gives those who aren’t local a chance to browse what’s available.
Choosing the perfect handbag
Once you’ve booked an appointment or arrived at our website, you might find yourself feeling a little overwhelmed by the selection and the variety in price points depending on the brand and the finer details of each designer brand available.
Choosing the perfect handbag for you is as much about the finer details as it is about the price, with arguably very minor differences in models having a huge impact on how coveted that piece is and how good an investment it will be.
We recommend starting by asking yourself what you want from your luxury handbag. Do you want it for everyday use as a treat for yourself, or are you looking for an investment piece with a value that will rise over time? This can impact everything from the model you opt for, the colour palette and the material finish – with our team able to advise on all the above and more in line with your budget and preferences.
What brands does Love Luxury sell?
Here at Love Luxury we buy and sell the best models of handbags, from the best designer brands in the world – with a constant focus on condition and on the status of a bag as a short-term trend or a long-term investment piece.
The main handbag brands that we sell include Hermès, Louis Vuitton, and Chanel – with our client base and experience in the luxury goods industry telling us that these brands are consistently considered the most coveted and those with the highest rising value as soon as they leave their origin retailer or point of sale.
You only have to look at the steep rise in value of an authentic Chanel or Hermès bag, as soon as it leaves the retail store, to understand how great an investment such pieces can be.
What comes with the bag?
Crucially, every authentic designer handbag comes with a certificate of authentication which proves that the handbag is indeed a genuine item.
Depending on the designer and/or brand, a luxury handbag can also come with straps and hardware pieces, a dustbag for safe storage, and a box – all of which should be kept and stored in immaculate condition for future sale. For example, any Hermès exotic skin leather handbag will come with a CITES certification.
How can I purchase a bag in-store?
Once you arrive at Love Luxury, whether or not you have an appointment, the process of buying a luxury handbag in-store is both enjoyable and relaxing.
Our team will greet you and ask how they can help, which is your opportunity to explain what it is you’re looking for – if indeed you know what it is you want. If not, our team can talk you through what’s available in-store at that time and show you some bags that fall into your requirements and budget, helping to identify the best one for you.
We always ask our buyers to wear gloves when viewing and handling any luxury handbags and have plenty of mirrors to help you see how the bag looks and fits with your personal style.
What conditions are these handbags kept in?
The fact that prospective buyers and the Love Luxury team wear gloves whenever handling any of our luxury handbags, goes some way to demonstrating how careful we are when handling all goods in store. The condition of any luxury handbag is integral to its value and how much it can be bought or sold for, which is why all of our bags are kept in glass containers, in the best possible condition.
It goes without saying that all the accessories that come with the bag, including the dust bag and box, are kept in optimum condition as well.
What other services does Love Luxury provide?
In addition to selling luxury handbags, Love Luxury offers authentication services and buys luxury handbags and other goods from buyers who want to cash in an investment or have a designer piece that they don’t want anymore.
What other products does Love Luxury sell?
Of course, it’s not all handbags here at Love Luxury. With an eye on the best and most coveted brand in the luxury designer marketplace, we also buy and sell jewellery and luxury timepieces from some of the most famous and high-value brands in the world – including Cartier, Rolex, Audemars Piguet, and Van Cleef & Arpels.
If you’re interested in expanding your luxury goods search outside of the handbag industry and are keen to find out about the other goods we stock here at Love Luxury, again you need only reach out and book an appointment or visit our website to find out about what we have in store right now.