Handbags have long been a stable investment option for fashion-conscious buyers – whether it’s to secure their own status or to give them future resale income to fall back on. With Chanel up there as one of the top luxury handbag designers and retailers in the industry, this article looks at two of the top Chanel handbag models – comparing their functionality, cost, and overall value as a luxury investment.
But first, why is a Chanel handbag such a good investment?
Should I Invest in a Chanel Handbag?
The short answer to this is yes – but why? Those who buy into the luxury handbag market do so for two reasons. Firstly, because of the status that comes with owning and carrying around a designer handbag. Secondly, because they know that if they decide to sell it on, they will make a good amount of money back on their investment.
This is because Chanel has created both a brand and a collection of handbags that are coveted, and that means that any Chanel handbag up for sale will garner attention and will sell for a good price. In fact, for those savvy owners who want to create consistent income, you might even decide to rent out your Chanel handbag and receive long term income back on your investment.
Not to mention, Chanel handbags are – like so many other things – increasing in price at a rapid rate. There has never been a better time to buy into the designer handbag investment trend than now – as delaying will only end up costing you more.
So, now that you’ve decided a Chanel handbag is the best way to invest, which model is the better option: the Chanel Flap or the Chanel Boy?
Do the Two Bags Come in Different Sizes?
Functionality is a key player when it comes to selecting and purchasing an accessory – particularly a handbag. Whether you’re looking to buy a new Chanel handbag or sell on an existing investment, understanding the value of different sizes is important and is one of the first questions that a potential buyer may ask you as the seller.
Chanel Flap
The Chanel Flap handbag comes in a variety of sizes, ranging from a mini bag to a much larger day bag which can be used to store everything you might need on the go. With this assortment of sizes comes an infinite number of ways that the Chanel Flap bag can be worn, with buyers often heralding this particular model as being very versatile in both its style and functionality.
The structured flap to the Chanel Flap model gives it that refined look that can seamlessly carry the bag from day to night, giving it a timeless aesthetic regardless of the size you decide to buy.
Chanel Boy
The Chanel Boy handbag also boasts a number of different sizes; however, it is widely agreed that this particular model is most functional and stylish in the Medium size – with the larger versions appearing a little too boxy and oversized for many buyers.
While the Chanel Boy is the newer model and is more modern in many ways, the structure removes some of Chanel’s timeless and luxurious aesthetic.
Can Each Bag Be Worn Crossbody?
Handbags may need to look good, but they also need to keep your possessions safe – with modern-day buyers often looking for handbags that offer a crossbody fit to keep their possessions close to them and secure.
Having a long strap means the handbag can be worn crossbody or loose to one side – optimising the versatility of the style and making it wearable in different situations.
Chanel Flap
When it comes to wearability, the Chanel Flap can be worn crossbody in all styles – however, buyers tend to find that only the mini or Jumbo models are suitable to be worn across the body. Anything in between mini and Jumbo has a shorter strap, which sits very high on the body and starts to get in the way of movement. So, while the Chanel Flap comes with crossbody functionality in all sizes, most users agree that only the mini and jumbo models can really be used with the crossbody fit.
Chanel Boy
Unlike the Chanel Flap, the crossbody strap on the Chanel Boy bags is effective on all models of the bag.
Is There a Price Difference Between the Chanel Flap and Chanel Boy?
There are all manner of subtle and more obvious differences between the Chanel Flap and the Chanel Boy handbags – with a variation in styles, inlining, and in fit all integral to determining which is a better purchase for you. For those seeking a Chanel handbag as a luxury investment, the main question you will be asking is about price – and how the two compare in price tag.
The Chanel Flap bag is slightly more expensive – however, in terms of an investment, this is justified in relation to its status as the classic Chanel handbag. Regarded by many as boasting the more timeless design out of the two, the Chanel Flap owns its price tag and is one of the most popular in terms of resale.
The Chanel Boy bag, in comparison, is slightly cheaper – though by no means as good a seller on the secondary market. In a battle between the two bags, the main consideration for investment buyers and sellers is, at the end of the day, a matter of personal choice and which design better suits your needs as a user or as an investor. With Chanel handbags a staple in the luxury and designer investment market, it is safe to say that both models will continue to command huge attention from the market for years to come – so if you’re thinking about an investment in Chanel, now is the time to act!