While some people buy handbags intending to use them as much as possible, integrating their selected bag into their everyday look and using it to transition from day to night with ease, for others, a designer handbag is very much an investment purchase. Something they can buy with the hopes of selling it in the future for a profit.
Love Luxury is just one company that is primed to buy and resell investment pieces across the luxury handbags and accessories industry, using our experience and expertise to first authenticate and then value each item we come across – offering the seller a deal built not only on profit but on reputation and knowing that they are getting the best possible deal.
One of the most common questions we get from sellers revolves around the process itself and how we authenticate, value and complete sales of designer handbags and other goods. So, we thought it was time we put it all into one article – answering all your questions in one go.
With our boutique store located in Knightsbridge, visiting us couldn’t be easier – with appointments on offer to both prospective buyers and sellers, allowing your visit to be a seamless, enjoyable experience from both sides.
If you’re not local or don’t manage to get an appointment at our boutique, we are also fully online and offer advice, information, and more via our website and online services. Through our website, you can learn more about the brands and designers that we buy and stock, how the authentication process works, and what you need to do to start your selling experience with Love Luxury.
What brands does Love Luxury buy?
We pride ourselves on only buying and stocking the best of the best – focussing on the designers that offer not just quality but the kind of exclusivity that makes their handbags and accessories coveted and highly investable.
The most popular handbag brands specifically that we look for and are open to buying are Hermès, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton – each holding their own in an increasingly saturated market, with regular new releases and exquisite designs consistently dominating consumer demand across the designer and luxury market and placing them among the top-rated designer handbag brands year on year.
If you’ve got a Hermès, Chanel, or Louis Vuitton bag that you’re looking to sell, then keep reading because the next sections are for you.
How can I sell my handbag in-store?
The process of selling to Love Luxury starts when you get in touch. From there, you will liaise directly with our friendly and professional team, who will invite you into the boutique for a consultation and a look at the handbag you’re hoping to sell. You will be asked to send images to our company WhatsApp where you will discuss the condition of the item, year, what it comes with and how much you were hoping to achieve. Once a deal has been brokered that suits both you and our buying team we will book you in for an appointment in our luxury boutique in Knightsbridge London, and if you live too far away to come in personally, you can ship the item to us. All prices are subject to inspection.
Once the bag is in our hands, we will complete our due diligence, checking the serial number against the receipt and giving the bag the once over for condition reporting – finalising the deal with the adequate paperwork and the all-important payment.
Top Tip: Make sure your bag is in the best condition possible
You’d be surprised how underrated this particular piece of advice really is in the second-hand and preloved marketplace – however, the logo/designer name alone is not enough to make a profit when selling a designer handbag. In order to get a good price for the sale of your item, the bag needs to be in good if not perfect condition. That means it should come in its original box and dust bag, have all the original accessories, and demonstrate no signs of wear and tear.
After all, the better the condition of the bag, the higher the chance that we will buy it and the higher the price that we will buy it for.
How does the authentication process work?
Undoubtedly the most important part of any sale process is designer handbag authentication, particularly amid the rise of high-level and convincing fakes. The authentication process is the part of every sale which sees our experts follow set procedures to determine and identify the different components of the bag in line with what we know to be classified as authentic by the designer.
When it comes to handbags, no area of the bag is off limits as we assess everything from the lining to the stitch work, the hardware, the authenticity card or microchip, and the way it stands on a surface without additional support. It is worth understanding that different designer brands have different tells and indicators of authenticity or a fake model, with our team well trained in the unique and individual components of each luxury brand.
If your bag is deemed authentic by our team, you will receive a letter-headed certificate of authentication which, even if you don’t sell your luxury handbag to us immediately, will make selling your designer handbag in the future much easier. This comes at a small fee should you decide not to sell to us at that time.
What other services does Love Luxury provide?
Of course, we don’t just buy luxury handbags – we sell them too, alongside a range of designer and luxury accessories including watches and jewellery from some of the most iconic and world-famous designers out there.
In addition to selling goods, we offer our authentication and valuation service to any customer who owns or is looking to sell their luxury goods – working to make the luxury goods industry a more reliable and reputable industry.
Can I buy a bag while I am at the boutique?
Yes, all of the bags that you see when you visit our boutique are available to buy – you simply need to enquire with a member of our team. If you aren’t able to visit our store but are in the market for a designer handbag, our website shop is another excellent place to browse the current handbags that we have in store and ready for sale, with full overviews of each item available alongside comprehensive and close-up footage.
What other products does Love Luxury buy?
If you’re a fan of luxury designers but don’t know much about the handbag market, then don’t leave us just yet! Here at Love Luxury, we specialise in luxury accessories which include not only handbags but watches, jewellery, and even pure gold. If you’ve got something you want to talk to us about, simply make an appointment or get in touch with us directly to discuss the next steps.